双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第108期:863计划纲要_开云|kaiyun

  行业动态     |      2024-09-29 14:24
本文摘要:National High-Tech RD Program,(863 Program)《高技术研究发展计划(863计划)纲要》Since the 1980s new tides of technical development have produced a huge influence on the human beings and evoked a profound revolution in economy, society, culture, politics, military, etc. at the whole world. In 1983 the United States put forward the Strategic Defense Initiative (i. e. the Star Wars Initiative), then came the EURICA of Europe, the Comprehensive Outline of Science and Technology Progress in Year 2000 0f the member countries of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA) at that time, the Policies for the Promotion of Science and Technology in the Next Ten Years of Japan, etc. , which are all strategic plans aimed at the 21st century.1980年代以来,科学技术很快发展,对人类产生了极大的影响,引发了经济、社会、文化、政治、军事等各方面深刻印象的变革。

National High-Tech RD Program,(863 Program)《高技术研究发展计划(863计划)纲要》Since the 1980s new tides of technical development have produced a huge influence on the human beings and evoked a profound revolution in economy, society, culture, politics, military, etc. at the whole world. In 1983 the United States put forward the Strategic Defense Initiative (i. e. the Star Wars Initiative), then came the EURICA of Europe, the Comprehensive Outline of Science and Technology Progress in Year 2000 0f the member countries of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA) at that time, the Policies for the Promotion of Science and Technology in the Next Ten Years of Japan, etc. , which are all strategic plans aimed at the 21st century.1980年代以来,科学技术很快发展,对人类产生了极大的影响,引发了经济、社会、文化、政治、军事等各方面深刻印象的变革。1983年3月美国明确提出“星球大战”计划,欧洲的尤里卡计划、日本的“今后10年科学技术大力发展政策”等侧重21世纪的战略计划也先后应运而生。

In March 1986, in view of the impacts of competition in the fields of high technologies in the world on China, four scientists, Wang Daheng, Wang Ganchang, Yang Jiachi and Chen Fanyun, submitted a letter to the central government to suggest that China adopt appropriate countermeasures to trace the development of high technologies in the world. This letter received great attention of Mr. Deng Xiaoping, who gave the written instruction “Quick decision should be made on this matter without any delay”. In the following half year, the Program for Hi-Tech Research and Development ( called Program 863 for short) was issued after extensive and in-depth study by hundreds of Chinese scientists. Since then the development of research on high technologies has entered a new stage in China. Because the letter of the scientists and the written instructions were both put forward in March 1986, hence came the name of “863” for the magnificent program.1986年3月,王大珩、王淦昌、杨嘉墀、陈芳允四位杨家科学家牵头向中央政府写出了一封信,为题《关于追踪世界战略性高科技发展的建议》,信中恳切地建议中国采取措施追踪世界高科技发展,发展我国高技术的建议。这封信获得了邓小平同志的高度重视,小平同志特地请示:“这个建议十分最重要”,“找些专家和有关负责同志辩论,明确提出意见,以凭决策,此事宜速作行事,不能推迟。”在随后的半年中,经过普遍、全面和十分严苛的科学和技术论证后,中共中央、国务院批准后了《高技术研究发展计划(863计划)纲要》。从此,中国的高技术研究发展转入了一个新阶段。


